“Life was not easy growing up in a poor family where I was raised by a carpenter father. We sometimes cannot eat 3 times a day. When I was four years old, my mom and I started coming to LCP. My mom hoped that I will get a sponsor and that it will help us with our day-to-day food.  Because of LCP, I grew up hearing Bible stories during Sunday school and Bible studies. When I was in 1st grade, I got a sponsor. We were so happy! At last, my family would never struggle with where to find money. The monthly sponsorship and gifts given to me helps me to provide my everyday needs such as clothes to wear, food to eat, school supplies, and even the renovation of our house. For eighteen years, it was my pleasure to be part of this organization through the ups and downs in my life. I could not imagine my life without LCP.

Back then, I was a child who was blessed having a sponsor named Harold and Heather Goetsch. These two lovely and magnificent people have helped me get to where I am right now. They supported me for so many years. Being sponsored by them is such a treasure that I couldn’t imagine, the love and support they share to me is like a diamond it is unbreakable, rare, and priceless. Thank you so much you both will be always treasured in my heart. We continued being active members until I got to college and was granted a scholarship. In 2019, I enrolled my dream course Bachelor of Science in Geology. Going to College is a dream for everyone, and I am no different. Taking a course that I dreamed since I was a child was so fulfilling, time went so fast and as graduation neared, I could sense I was already near working in my profession. The hard work and sleepless nights just to study and do the activities finally paid off. To overcome all the obstacles in order to complete my degree program was challenging.

Wearing the Geologist title in front of my name was a dream. I will always pursue my dream to work in Mining Industries, like the Mines and Geosciences Bureau and other jobs that fits my course. I graduated my Baccalaureate degree in the Year 2022 and now I am working at the NGC Mineral Resources Corporation in Manila as a Junior Geologist for 1 year and a half now. As a Junior Geologist, I supervise face sample and drilling operations. I also do rock identification and classification, conduct field mapping and exploration to determine whether the region can support mining. It is really a dream job for me. I am now enjoying the fruits of my labor. I support my family back in Dumaguete and I can say, they are living in a good life now. Forever grateful to LCW/LCP and to my sponsors for making my dream come to reality.”

Thank you for supporting individuals like Ruben and so many others whose lives are forever changed through sponsorship and college scholarship! You, the sponsors and college donors, are making a lasting impact for generations to come through education! Whether you’ve recently sponsored, or your student is graduating, you are making a difference. None of this work would be possible without you!