Urgent Needs Matching Funds

From now until December 10, a generous donor has agreed to match all gifts to Urgent Needs up to $20,000!

Help us turn $20,000 into $40,000 by giving your best gift to Urgent Needs today. The Urgent Needs Fund can be used to help any program meet their annual budget. Your contribution to Urgent Needs makes a huge difference in meeting needs and changing lives. This is the most critical time of the year for Urgent Needs, and we need your help! Lend a Helping Hand by giving a (doubled) one-time donation to Urgent Needs. Whether it is $5 or $500, it changes lives. Give before December 10 to double your donation to Urgent Needs!

Sponsors, we are so grateful you have committed to change your sponsored child’s life by giving $35 per month. Did you know that sponsored families also benefit from all of the HELPS programs well above the cost of sponsorship? Help us keep providing outstanding services by giving a one-time contribution to Urgent Needs for your sponsored family!