Important Announcement: Interim President

Susan Crawford has resigned her role as LCW president effective May 31, 2024. Susan expressed beautifully, “For the past several months, I have felt God calling me in another direction. While I do not doubt He called me to work with LCW, I can see now that His purpose was to use these experiences to prepare me for another role. Thank you for your prayers and support for Little Children of the World! May God truly bless you! Susan P. Crawford” We thank Susan for her long-term dedication and service to LCW and wish her the best as she continues in ministry.

LCW would like to announce that Glenna Waller has agreed to return as the Interim President during this transition period. We thank Glenna for her willingness to serve. You can reach her at and 770-358-2771 ext. 105.

Thank you all for your continued support! We look forward to the future and what the Lord has in His plan.

Many blessings,
The LCW Team