Shelter Matching Funds 2024

A generous donor has agreed to match all donations to the shelters up to $20,000 between Feb. 7-Mar. 31. Currently, we have an above average number of children residing in our shelters. These children come from the streets or situations of abuse or severe neglect. With 74 children in our care, we are committed to providing them a safe, nurturing environment where all their needs are met, and they are able to thrive. Help us turn $20,000 into $40,000 to meet the needs of these precious children during the Shelter Matching Funds Campaign. Donate now to have your contribution to the shelters doubled at

About the Shelters:

The children who live in our shelter housing residential shelters are victims of extreme poverty and/or neglect, and they are often victims of abuse. LCP has five residential dorms. They are the Wee Women Dorm ages 6-18, Robert Hanson Boys Dorm ages 6-12, Consuelo Boys Dorm ages 13-18, Taclobo Independent Living Boys ages 18 until completed education, and the Independent Living Girls Dorm ages 18 until completed education. If possible, we attempt to reunite children with their families if the home situation is deemed safe by a social worker. Financial partnership with the Residential Shelter Programs helps these children living in our dorms have a safe place to stay, food to eat, opportunity for education, and loving people to care for them.