Roi is a seventh grader who dreams of being a pilot someday. His sweet smile and bright personality hide some of the pain he has experienced throughout his life. Roi is smart, and he has a bright future ahead through sponsorship and access to HELPS programs!

Roi was born in Manila but moved to Dumaguete later when his grandmother, Leonora, took in Roi and his other three siblings. Their parents split leaving the kids behind, and to this day his parents have their own families and do not support Roi or his siblings. Leonora works hard for less than $3 per day and also is the primary caregiver for her own mother who is elderly and bedridden. She always did her best to provide for Roi and the others so they could go to school and have a better life, but it was very hard.

Roi and his siblings walk very far to school each day, rain or shine. They do it happily because they understand the importance of education in their futures. They live in a very small home with a traditional nipa roof made of leaves, and they all share a sleeping area. The rainy season is tough because sometimes the roof leaks and it becomes cold, but they are grateful because at least they have a place to stay.

Roi met a classmate who was sponsored at LCP and immediately encouraged his grandma to find out how to apply. At first, she was overwhelmed because she did not know how, but finally she made a friend in the community who was able to tell her where to go and who to talk to. Leonora applied for Roi to be sponsored, then they waited for God to provide a sponsor.

In September 2023, Roi’s life was changed by his new sponsor, Raissa! Raissa was moved by Roi’s case study and their similarities. She is also originally from Manila, and their birthdays are only a few days apart. Once Raissa started sponsoring, she loved receiving letters from Roi and being able to send him gifts. She feels overwhelmingly grateful to be able to share the blessings God has given her with a special kid like Roi.

After less than a year of sponsorship, Roi’s life is completely different. He feels excited for the future and hopeful that his dreams may one day come true through God’s help. Sponsorship is changing lives like Roi and Raissa. Sponsorship lends a helping hand to give a bright future through the HELPS model and breaking the cycle of poverty. Watch the video above of Roi and Raissa to learn how you can make a difference through sponsorship!