Today, all over our world lives have been turned upside down. We at LCW and LCP are doing everything we can to Flatten the Curve and reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. We are doing our best to closely monitor the ever-changing situation with COVID-19, and we share in your concern for our members and employees. The LCW office is still up and running with reduced staff every day with an alternating schedule. As with many states, Georgia has implemented a Shelter in Place Order, and we are complying with all the precautions detailed within that ordinance.
All LCP activities (Sunday Worship/school, community Bible studies, graduations, etc.) have been cancelled or postponed until further notice. All schools are closed. Most LCP Staff has been excused, with pay, until the Enhanced Quarantine measures are lifted. A few essential staff will report, as needed. We will still continue to distribute food packages gifted from sponsors, but we will have only one or two staff bring them to the communities and not have people gather. If you are able to give a food package at this time, it would be a tremendous help to our families since many of our members are out of work and completely without income.
In response to this, we gave bags of rice to members of the communities to help supplement their food, along with the food assistance from the local government. Regular medications are being distributed. Birthday parties (given by sponsors) will be required to be held in the home, as opposed to a restaurant like Jollibee, and shopping will be postponed until further notice. We are temporarily suspending SWAP hours, and we will have special activities in the following months to allow members to be able to catch up with their hours. The paramedics have also been briefed on the symptoms and are encouraging community members to use good hand hygiene and distance themselves as much as possible.
Community Task Force Members have been so kind to help the communities by distributing everyone’s sponsorship money, rather than have everyone try to get out to go to the bank. This helped the banks as well as community members. Sponsorship is critical for these families at this time. Where in normal times sponsorships are a help to the child and family now it is all they have to survive. If you are struggling to make your sponsorship payments during these trying times, please inform the LCW office. We have contingency funds to help cover unpaid sponsorships until things can return to normal. If you can give more, please consider a gift to Urgent Needs to help where most needed.
Jesus promised He would never leave us or forsake us. During these difficult times of the COVID–19 outbreak, we need to stand on Jesus promises and be a blessing to those who live in fear and panic and continue to support those less fortunate than us. Please join us in prayer during these difficult times. We will not panic, and we will continue to do all we can for the members of LCP. Thank you for your support and prayers.