Helping Hand Successes: Xhaiden & Xhayvion
Helping Hand Successes: Xhaiden and Xhayvion, twin beneficiaries share about their life with Cerebral Palsy and how Little Children of the World/Little Children of the Philippines has changed their life. Poverty will not keep these boys from living their fullest life! Now they have access to their basic needs like medications, mobility aids, physical therapy, and more, they are able to live their fullest life and have hope for the future.
The Children with Disabilities Program, known also as Handclasp, ministers to children with a wide array of developmental and mental disorders including: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, cleft palate, club foot, hearing impaired, blindness, Hemophilia, and others. LCP is equipped with a play-based therapy area and therapists for children requiring physical therapy interventions. Cost for transportation to therapy, school, and doctors appointments, as well as school expenses and medication are covered by this program. Special arrangements are made for children requiring surgical interventions. We are allowing these children to get the love and care they otherwise would not due to the lack of resources due to poverty as well as social stigma their parents often face.
A special thanks the Liliane Fonds/NORFIL Foundation and Cast Your Nets Ministry for being valuable partners of the LCP Handclasp Program. We are forever grateful to all who have contributed to making our programs a success for children in need.
You can support children like Xhaiden and Xhayvion by donating to the Handclasp Program or Sponsoring a Child. Many are waiting. Answer the call today. Thank you for lending a helping hand!