Health Insurance is a yearly expense that can be given as a gift in addition to sponsorship to provide emergency medical coverage for the whole family. The prices are set by PhilHealth, and we have to follow their guidelines to get the families coverage.

The cost of PhilHealth Health Insurance has increased to $104 per year per family.

We apologize for any inconvenience, but we have no control over this change. Health Insurances payments are due by November 10 to ensure coverage for the full year 2022. If you have already paid for 2022 and would like to pay the balance, please contact our office. Health Insurance is an optional gift, and you are not obligated to provide it as part of sponsorship.

Thank you so much for providing Health Insurance for your sponsored family. This is an important thing to have, especially in the case of emergency hospitalization. With the pandemic continuing to be prevalent in the Philippines, this coverage gives peace of mind to families who cannot otherwise afford to get sick.