Princess Nicole Jordao

 My mother abandoned me when I was three years old. Thankfully, my grandparents took care for me. We didn’t really have much, and my grandparents struggled to support our needs. When I was in preschool, my grandmother took me to LCP for the first time.

My grandma took me to LCP every Sunday to attend the Worship Service and Sunday School as well as every Friday in our community for the Bible Study. We went to LCP faithfully, even though it was very far from our house. My grandmother wanted me to have a good future, so she always pushed me to do my best even if I did not want to.

During my primary school years, LCP was a huge assistance to me, especially my sponsor, Gayle Dustman, who always provided all of my needs and wishes at school and my family. LCP was there for me through high school and college, along with my sponsor, who continued to assist me. My life was difficult without LCP, but I was given a chance for education and a better life for me and my grandparents. I promised I would not waste this opportunity.

Today, I am now a college graduate, and I dedicate my success to LCP and to my grandparents, who laid the groundwork of my achievement. I’m not sure if I’d made it if it weren’t for LCP and my sponsor’s help. This   organization has assisted many people, particularly the youth, in getting more involved in preaching and learning more about God. It also encourages us to have a bright future. I became a strong person because of struggles, tears, and numerous sacrifices.

Now that I graduated a Bachelor’s degree in Technical Education, I am equipped with enough skills to teach young children. I’m looking forward to my next adventure and what God has in store for me. I want to thank God for everything He has done for me, my family, and LCP. I am extremely grateful to have been a member of the LCP family.

As I go on to become a teacher, I will bring the principles I learned from LCP. I want to thank God for everything He has done for me, my family, and LCP. I am extremely grateful to have been a member of the LCP family. There are so many more children, who are just like I was, waiting for an opportunity to change their life. You can be that change for them!