I am so thankful for the ministries of LCW/LCP and for being able to watch them grow over the years. Our mission to develop caring Christian communities has truly come alive for me this year as I’ve travelled to the Philippines and seen firsthand how our LCP communities are empowering parents to become leaders and take care of their members. As families improve, communities improve and can expand their reach to others who need their assistance. Sponsorship has been a lifeline for many of our families. I can remember when our Advisory Council celebrated 100 sponsored children, and now we are on the verge of 1000 sponsored children! We are blessed with a wonderful sponsorship staff of Marie Lou Abbott at LCW and Melanie Caducoy leading our staff at LCP. Read Melanie’s story inside. Can you be a source of hope and make a child’s dreams come true? Can you help us find more sponsors and give a child the gift of sponsorship for Christmas?

Right now, we are in our campaign for Urgent Needs. From our shelters and soup kitchens to Peace & Faith and everything in between, Urgent Needs impacts all our programs and ensures that our HELPS continue to reach more souls for Jesus. Consider a gift to Urgent Needs in honor of friends, family, or coworkers.

Please pray for the ministry of LCW as we seek to bring glory to God in all that we do. Our HELPS programs can meet needs in other parts of the world to share the gospel. Our Expansion Committee travelled to Central America to explore possible sites for expanding our ministry to another country. Please pray as we follow God’s leading.

Thank you for partnering with us to make a difference by sharing the love of Jesus!

Blessings, Susan