Dear Friends of LCW,

With every year that passes, we are humbled and honored to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Since its inception 37 years ago, Little Children of the World has empowered thousands of children and families to be able to pull themselves from the grips of poverty through education and programs addressing URGENT NEEDS. None of this is possible without you!

As 2024 comes to a close, your prayers and financial partnership are necessary for the successful continuation of our mission. Currently, LCW needs $225,000 to finish the year with all the budgets met. We cannot do this without you. A donation to URGENT NEEDS is more than a financial investment, it is a Helping Hand reaching out to those who need it most.

This year, your helping hands reach…

  • More than 800 individuals seeking medical care at our free clinic and food supplementation at our two soup kitchens
  • Over 200 children with disabilities seeking therapeutic intervention, medication assistance, or advocacy so they may be afforded the same opportunities as their peers
  • 65-75 children needing shelter from situations of severe neglect or abuse
  • Close to 1200 students receiving educational opportunities from preschool through college
  • Over 50 parents empowered by trainings for marketable skills like sewing or welding
  • Thousands receiving the Gospel every Sunday and throughout the week
  • And over 900 children and families receiving monthly sponsorship

Every day, we strive to stretch every penny to its fullest potential. Every cent is important in transforming lives for the better. We urge you to consider how you can lend a helping hand to URGENT NEEDS. May you be blessed for being a blessing!

With a humble heart,

Glenna Houk Waller
LCW Interim President & CEO

Cecil Hines
Chair of the Board of Directors

Ways to Give

Urgent Needs 2024

  • $360/week provides medical care from a doctor/nurse and free prescription medication as well as yearly check-ups for all children
  • $38/child/week for 65-75 children in 5 shelters from the streets or abusive homes to receive 24/7 care, food, housing, and education
  • $309/week, $2.29/child for 135 children 5 days a week in 2 soup kitchens to receive a healthy lunch
  • $1000/week provides weekly Bible studies in 14 communities and weekly worship including transportation costs for over 2000 people
  • $488/week for over 200 children to receive physical, occupational, and speech therapies as well as medical assistance

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