Updates, Media, and Newsletters

Newsletters, blog posts, and social media are the main channels for updates and media from LCW. Newsletters are available by mail or email. Join our email list to receive regular updates.

Jericho Street Echoes

 The name, Jericho Street Echoes, suggests that the “Jericho Road” in Jesus’ Parable of the Good Samaritan is the city street of our time, and the victims are too often the street children. A quarterly newsletter published by Little Children of the World sharing, “Echoes of mercy, whispers of love for the little children on today’s ‘Jericho Road.’ 

Hand in Hand (formerly SS Sponsorship)

A yearly publication created for Little Children of the World Sponsors and College Donors. Hand in Hand signifies how sponsorship and college scholarship are a helping hand of love and hope that changes lives, both for the sponsor and the beneficiary!

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