
Preschool is the key to a solid educational foundation. Little Children of the Philippines runs 7 preschools set up in the most disadvantaged communities to help 3-5 year olds prepare to go to formal school. The goal is to ensure that the children will be able to participate in primary school tasks more quickly and successfully. This leads to less absenteeism and better grades. Part time teachers come from the community and are supported by the parents. An average of 125 children are enrolled each year.

Preschool Education

Preschools are located in 7 of the 15 communities. The four-year-old children receive preparation for public schooling. This gives them a good foundation to start their formal education. All the students receive a daily nutritional meal. Often this is the only meal these children have all day. For more information on the Preschool program please click here.

School on Wheels

School on Wheels (SOW) targets children 8-13 years old who are on the street and not in school. These children are usually behind in their education, so this program allows them to catch up so they can re-enter public school. This program offers them non-formal education 3 hours daily for 10 months. For more information about LCP’s SOW program please click here.

College Scholarships

The College Work Scholarship Program provided by sponsors/donors covers tuition, school transportation, projects and uniforms. Students can also select a vocational track if they are ineligeble for college. LCW is always a hand- up, not a hand- out. All recipients serve 10 hours of SWAP (Service With A Purpose) per month.  For more information of the College Work Scholarship Program click here.

  • SOW Education
  • College Education Graduate