The HELPS Model

Little Children of the World is a non-profit Christian service organization dedicated to creating, caring communities for children who are victims of poverty, neglect, or abuse. This holistic strategy focuses on five basic needs of children and their families. Our programs can be best described by the acronym HELPS.

H– adequate HEALTH services & HOUSING

EEDUCATION at all levels

L– opportunities for LIVELIHOOD

PPEACE and Faith Program (Christian Education)


our mission

Our mission is to help develop caring Christian communities for the world’s children at risk so they will be able to escape poverty and abuse. We spread love by letting children poverty stricken know that someone cares about them, give help through financial partnership, and bring hope to those who have none through sharing Jesus.

our vision

Little Children of the World is a Christian ministry lending a helping hand to those in need. Our holistic strategy for ending the cycle of poverty is best described by the acronym H E L P S:
H – Health and Housing, E – Education, L – Livelihood, P – Peace and Faith, and S – Sponsorship.

Lend a Helping Hand

The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Matthew 25:40

How Your Money Helps


Management & Fundraising Expenses


Direct Support & Program Services

Why Is Little Children of the World Special?

  • Relational

    We are a large ministry with a personal feel.

  • Holistic

    Our programs address both spiritual and physical needs.