Christmas 2023

Christmas is always the most special time of year at LCP. The joy that permeates the people is like no other experience. A simple can of SPAM, a candy cane, a small toy, a hat, or a plain white t-shirt evokes excitement and gratitude beyond our comprehension. These small gifts are gestures of love felt across the world.

Thank you to all who contributed items and funding to make this Christmas great! Altogether, LCP distributed over 4000 gifts to children and their families and gave over 2000 cans of SPAM so families could have a special meal for Christmas.

Marie Lou Abbott, VP of Sponsorship was able to spend Christmas in the Philippines at LCP this year for the first time in 21 years. She reflects, “It wasn’t until this Christmas at LCP, that I fully understood the value of a CAN of SPAM! On behalf of LCP families, I am deeply grateful to each one of you who helped LCW gather all the Christmas presents so each mom, father, youth, and child will have a beautiful Christmas present. Thank you for being God’s hands and feet, and thank you so much for making Christmas at LCP very special every year.”

Please enjoy just a few photos from Christmas 2023 below!