Peace & Faith this Christmas Season

We know that Jesus is the reason for the season! We strive to keep Him at the center of everything we do. The Peace and Faith Program is our largest and most foundational program that emphasizes spreading the love of God to all who come into contact with our ministry. This program facilitates the weekly worship service and Sunday school for over 2000 people and the Bible studies in the communities for parents and youth. During the holiday season, the Peace and Faith Program works extra hard to be sure all feel the love and blessings of Christ.

While there’s no turkey in their celebration, Little Children of the Philippines recently had Thanksgiving Sunday. This is a special Sunday worship service where thousands gather to worship and give thanks to God for another year of life and provision. The Peace and Faith Program facilitated communion and the members of the communities brought offerings of whatever they had to give back to God. Through the offering, the communities gave close to $500 plus many fresh fruits, eggs, and other offerings to give glory back to God. Community offerings go back to support the members of the communities when there are bereaved members or other instances of great need because they are part of a caring community.

As our largest program, it has a correspondingly large budget to be sure everyone that receives any aspect of support from our ministry has the opportunity to hear about Jesus, including supporting the transportation costs for all sponsored kids and their parents to come to church. This season, will you commit to pray for the Peace and Faith Program as they minister to our communities? Will you consider how an end of year gift to Urgent Needs can have a lasting eternal impact?