2021 Highlights

Join us as we look back with gratitude for all that has happened in 2021, and prepare to come with us as we launch into the new year with new projects and big changes. Thank you for making 2021 a success! Click here to see the full PDF report


  • Hand Sanitizers, Face Shields, and Face Masks
    distributed to all LCP members
  • New Language Focus Classroom for children with speech delays
  • Over 100 children fed every weekday in the Soup Kitchens
  • New standers distributed to children with disabilities
  • Nearly 80,000 vitamins distributed


  • 4 new College Graduates, 47 High School Graduates
  • 120 children started Preschool
  • Supplies provided for modular and online learning
  • Computer lab created at LCP


  • Training for Meat Processing and proper food handling techniques
  • Rug Making training for a new source of income for parents during the pandemic


  • Despite the challenges of the pandemic, 88% of families were able to attend worship and Bible study regularly
  • Youth began live steaming Sunday Worship
  • 21 new parent Bible Study Leaders trained


  • All time high of sponsored children
  • Over 4000 food packages distributed
  • 11 houses repaired after the devastation from Typhoon Odette

LCW/LCP has seen victories and difficult moments in 2021, but we are grateful the opportunity to continue serving the Lord and lending a helping hand to those in need. We are blessed to have a  support system like you! We look forward to 2022 with excitement and anticipation for the future!